
tonita.eval.submit(search_requests, notification_email_addresses, corpus_id=None, api_key=None)#

Submits a request for evaluation of a batch of search requests.

  • search_requests (List[SearchRequest]) – A list of SearchRequest`s to evaluate. See docstring for `SearchRequest.

  • notification_email_addresses (List[str]) – A list of email addresses to which notifications about the progress of this evaluation should be sent.

  • corpus_id (Optional[str]) – The ID of the corpus to search within for this batch of search requests. If this argument is None, then the value of tonita.corpus_id will be used.

  • api_key (Optional[str]) – An API key. If this argument is None, then the value of tonita.api_key will be used.


See docstring for SubmitEvalResponse.

Return type:


tonita.eval.retrieve(eval_id, corpus_id=None, api_key=None)#

Retrieves the status of an evaluation, as well as results if available.

  • eval_id (str) – The ID of an evaluation whose status to check or results to retrieve.

  • corpus_id (Optional[str]) – The ID of the corpus that was used when submitting the evaluation. If this argument is None, then the value of tonita.corpus_id will be used.

  • api_key (Optional[str]) – An API key corresponding to the submitted evaluation. If this argument is None, then the value of tonita.api_key will be used.


See docstring for RetrieveEvalResponse.

Return type:

